Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is offering a funding opportunity to develop and amplify the evidence around a set of approaches that improve community health and well-being and advance health equity, while also addressing climate change adaptation or mitigation.
Eligible, local approaches can focus on one or more of a range of determinants of health—including, but not limited to: air quality; energy sources; transportation or mobility design; food and water systems; housing; and health systems. Proposals should specify the determinants of health that the given approach is addressing, and the expected impact on health and well-being.
Grant funds will support research and evaluation activities to develop the best possible evidence highlighting what is working well with the select approach and why; where there have been opportunities and challenges; and how other communities may learn from this approach to tackle similar challenges.
All interventions eligible for this funding must have been implemented and active for at least one year as of the date of the application.
The application deadline is February 8, 2019. Learn more.
Key Dates
Monday, January 7, 2019 (3:00 – 4:30 p.m. ET)
The first of two optional applicant webinars to provide an overview of the program and an opportunity to ask questions that are general in nature. The second webinar (see below) will be a repeat of the first. Registration is required; please register here for the January 7th webinar.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019 (8:00 – 9:30 p.m. ET)
A repeat of the first optional applicant webinar to provide an overview of the program and an opportunity to ask questions that are general in nature. Registration is required; please register here for the January 15th webinar.
February 8, 2019 (3 p.m. ET)
Deadline for receipt of brief proposals.
March 6, 2019
Selection of semi-finalists; notification of invitations to submit full proposals.
April 3, 2019 (3 p.m. ET)
Deadline for receipt of full proposals.
May 2, 2019
Selection of finalists; notification of invitation to participate in a site visit interview.
May 6, 2019 – May 20, 2019
Site visits conducted.
May 31, 2019
Selection of recommended grants; notification of decisions.
July 15, 2019
Approximate grant start date.