To help state and local leaders with their reopening and recovery efforts, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released five principles as a compass to point leaders to an equitable and lasting recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Collect, analyze and report disaggregated data,
- Include those who are most affected in decisions, and benchmark progress,
- Establish and empower teams dedicated to racial equity,
- Proactively fill policy gaps while advocating for more federal support,
- Invest in public health, health care and social infrastructure.
These principles can guide our nation toward an equitable response and recovery and help sow the seeds of long-term, transformative change. States and cities have begun imagining and, in some cases, advancing toward this vision, putting a down payment on a fair and just future in which health equity is a reality. Returning to the ways things were is not an option.
Read more about the principles at