The Maryland Climate Change Health Adaptation Program is funded by CDC’s Building Resistance Against Climate Effects (BRACE) program. The program works together with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), in the Environmental Health Bureau, and the University of Maryland’s Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health. Currently, they are aiming to work with local government entities and community organizations engaging in climate change adaptation efforts to provide technical support. The program has the capacity to assist local efforts with health outcome data from MDH’s Environmental Public Health Tracking system, program evaluation through their team of researchers at the university, information on the human health impacts of climate change to groups working on climate policy at the local level and education services to students throughout the state. They have also created an Environmental Public Health Climate Adaptation Tracking tool that is housed on the Bureau of Environmental Health’s webpage, which can help showcase and publicize your local adaptation efforts.
If you are currently working on human health-related climate adaptation efforts in your jurisdiction or hoping to begin any climate adaptation work with a health focus in the future, please feel free to use the program as a resource. You can reach out to their program manager, Nick Adams at [email protected].