Clinical Toolkit from Rhode Island Defeats Hepatitis C

Rhode Island Defeats Hepatitis C (RID Hep C) has developed a clinical toolkit for both patients and providers to enhance hepatitis C...

Oct 22, 2015 | Alyssa Kitlas

  • Celebrate World Environmental Health Day Sept. 26

    Ensuring the public’s health is a multifaceted challenge requiring expertise in more than just the health threats that come from...

    Sep 24, 2015 | Katie Regan

  • MeasureUp, A New Tool for Assessing Health Impact in Community Development Efforts

    The Build Healthy Places Network has announced the release of MeasureUp, a tool to help measure and communicate the impact of public...

    Sep 10, 2015 | Bridget Kerner

  • NACCHO Recognizes Local Health Departments for Infectious Disease Model and...

    NACCHO’s Model Practice and Promising Practice awards recognize local health departments’ innovative programs, resources,...

    Sep 10, 2015 | Alyson Jordan

  • Large Study of PrEP Use in Clinical Practice Shows No New HIV Infections

    In one of the first and largest published evaluations of the use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in a...

    Sep 03, 2015 | Alyssa Kitlas

  • Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool

    The Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT) is a software tool that assists drinking water and wastewater utility...

    Aug 19, 2015 | Katie Regan

  • New Job Opportunity: Senior Associate, Health Impact Project

    The Health Impact Project at Pew Charitable Trusts seeks a senior associate to assist with efforts that promote and support the use of...

    Aug 11, 2015 | Bridget Kerner

  • Food Safety Toolkit Available in NACCHO’s Toolbox

    The NACCHO Food Safety toolkit is a free, online collection of public health resources including presentations, fact sheets, drills,...

    Jul 30, 2015 | Stella Bartholet

  • Clinical Toolkit from Rhode Island Defeats Hepatitis C

    Rhode Island Defeats Hepatitis C (RID Hep C) has developed a clinical toolkit for both patients and providers to enhance hepatitis C care. The toolkit includes information on drug-drug interactions, elastography, endoscopy, hepatitis C evaluation for providers, and a recommended reading list. Find the toolkit here.

    Oct 22, 2015 | Alyssa Kitlas

    Celebrate World Environmental Health Day Sept. 26

    Ensuring the public’s health is a multifaceted challenge requiring expertise in more than just the health threats that come from within. As the United States continues to experience increasing numbers of severe weather events and national foodborne illness outbreaks, the nation’s environmental health is pushed front and center. Addressing environmental health issues such as climate...

    Sep 24, 2015 | Katie Regan

    MeasureUp, A New Tool for Assessing Health Impact in Community Development Efforts

    The Build Healthy Places Network has announced the release of MeasureUp, a tool to help measure and communicate the impact of public health professionals’ work. Former HUD assistant director Raphael Bostic once said, “We cannot advance effective policy if we do not know what works.” That means measuring and quantifying successes and struggles. But for many, measuring impact […]

    Sep 10, 2015 | Bridget Kerner

    NACCHO Recognizes Local Health Departments for Infectious Disease Model and Promising Practices

    NACCHO’s Model Practice and Promising Practice awards recognize local health departments’ innovative programs, resources, administrative practices, or tools that demonstrate exemplary and replicable qualities in response to a local public health need. A model practice meets the following criteria: local health department role, collaboration, innovation, responsiveness, and evaluation of both the...

    Sep 10, 2015 | Alyson Jordan

    Large Study of PrEP Use in Clinical Practice Shows No New HIV Infections

    In one of the first and largest published evaluations of the use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in a clinical practice setting, researchers at Kaiser Permanente found no new HIV infections among patients during more than 2.5 years of observation. The study was the first done outside of clinical trials and demonstration […]

    Sep 03, 2015 | Alyssa Kitlas

    Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool

    The Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT) is a software tool that assists drinking water and wastewater utility owners and operators in understanding potential climate change threats. The tool also aids in assessing the related risks at respective utilities. The tool helps to identify threats based on regional differences in climate change projections it then assists […]

    Aug 19, 2015 | Katie Regan

    New Job Opportunity: Senior Associate, Health Impact Project

    The Health Impact Project at Pew Charitable Trusts seeks a senior associate to assist with efforts that promote and support the use of health impact assessments (HIAs) as a tool for evidence-based policy making to improve health and health equity. The senior associate will also help evaluate the effectiveness of HIA as a tool for […]

    Aug 11, 2015 | Bridget Kerner

    Food Safety Toolkit Available in NACCHO’s Toolbox

    The NACCHO Food Safety toolkit is a free, online collection of public health resources including presentations, fact sheets, drills, evaluations, protocols, templates, reports, and training materials. Public health professionals and other external stakeholders can use these tools to inform and improve their work in food safety.

    Jul 30, 2015 | Stella Bartholet

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