Infection Prevention and Control Resource Library
Infection prevention and control (IPC) describes a set of practices which aim to prevent the spread of infections, including healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and emerging infectious diseases. NACCHO, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Project Firstline, has compiled resources to enhance the capacity of local health department staff to address unique IPC needs in a range of high-risk settings. All tools included are free, however; a few may require you to be logged in to you MyNACCHO account to access. All resources were developed after 2016 with the majority of resources having been created between 2020 and 2022.
Suggestions for additional resources, as well as feedback on this resource library can be sent to [email protected].
Disclaimer: The positions and views expressed in these materials do not necessarily represent the official positions of CDC.
Page last updated in July 27, 2022.
This section of NACCHO's IPC Library contains presentations, handbooks, and tools for understanding and communicating IPC guidance and best practices. Tools can be sorted by alphabetical order in each column. Click the resource title to directly view the resource. Please note this section includes tools for general healthcare settings (not facility specific) and for long term care facilities.
Title | Resource type | Audience | Description |
Standard Precautions and Transmission-Based Precautions | Quick guide | General healthcare facility | This quick facility reference guide developed by Ingham County Health Department explains the "standard" and "transmission-based" precautions for healthcare personnel in residential facilities and links to CDC resources for both categories. |
OSHA Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respiratory Protection Standard | Guidance | Workplace | This OSHA compliance guide for the respiratory protection standard submitted by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services is intended to assist program administrators, employers who need to develop a program, employees who may be required to wear respirators, and licensed medical professionals who must evaluate an employee's ability to wear respirators, among others. |
Overview of the Fit Testing Process | Quick guide | Unspecified | This document by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services describes instructions for proper fit testing as well as an overview of the two types of fit tests with links to OHSA protocols and fit testing procedures. |
FAQ about Respiratory Protection | FAQ | Unspecified | This FAQ document by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) answers questions on conducting user seal checks for respiratory protection. |
Respiratory Protection Program Guide Template | Program template | Workplace | This is a template of the Respiratory Protection Program designed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services to assist facilities to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (“OSHA”) Respiratory Protection Standard (29 C.F.R. 1910.134). It is designed to be reviewed and tailored to each individual facility. This template program, on its own, does not constitute compliance with the applicable OSHA standard, nor does it constitute legal advice. Facilities should review the Respiratory Protection Standard and adjust this template Program, as necessary, to help achieve compliance. |
Hand Hygiene and PPE Use | Quick guide | General healthcare facility | This educational resource by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services addresses the importance and best practices of hand hygiene and personal protective equipment (PPE) use, particularly in healthcare settings. |
Unit Guide to Infection Prevention for LTCF Staff | Guidance | Long-term care facility | This unit guide to infection prevention for long-term care (LTC) staff by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is designed to provide LTC staff with basic knowledge about LTC facility infection prevention guidelines. The guide is meant to provide infection prevention information to frontline staff, and was developed using materials from the Infection Preventionist’s Guide to Long-Term Care and other sources. |
Infection Prevention and Control Program Template | Program template | General healthcare facility | This document template by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services outlines a facility-wide infection prevention and control program template, designed to systematically identify and reduce the risk of acquiring and transmitting infections among residents, visitors, and healthcare workers. |
IPC Resources for LTCF | Resource list | Long-term care facility | This resource guide by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services lists recourses and links for IPC program and general education, standard and transmission based precautions/PPE protocols, hand hygiene, and cleaning/disinfection. |
Best Practices and Good Ideas: A Handbook for Infection Control in Nursing Homes | Handbook | Long-term care facility | This handbook created by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene includes best practices/recommendations, useful tips on implementation, and additional resources for a range of IPC topics including: infection control program, health care personnel and resident safety, surveillance and disease reporting, hand hygiene, PPE, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, antibiotic stewardship, injection safety and point of care testing, and environmental cleaning and disinfection. |
7 Steps to PHAB Pathways Recognition or Initial Accreditation | Guidance | Health Departments | This resource from the Public Health Accreditation Board details what steps health departments can take for Pathways Recognition or Initial Accreditation. |
PHAB Overview | Guidance | Health Departments | This resource from the Public Health Accreditation Board reviews how health departments are critical to the public health system, and how PHAB supports health departments and public health transformation through their accreditation process. |
Benefits of PHAB Accreditation | Guidance | Health Departments | This resource from the Public Health Accreditation Board reviews the ways in which PHAB accreditation can benefit health departments by measuring their performance against a set of nationally recognized, practice-focused, and evidence-based standards. |
PHAB Readiness Assessment | Guidance | Health Departments | This resource from the Public Health Accreditation Board shares how the PHAB Readiness Assessment can be used by health departments applying for initial accreditation or Pathways Recognition, or more broadly among local health departments as a readiness step in strengthening public health infrastructure and transformation. |
PHAB Pathways Recognition Program | Guidance | Health Departments | This resource from the Public Health Accreditation Board shares how the Pathways program supports performance improvement efforts, strengthens infrastructure, and facilitates public health system transformation. |
This section of NACCHO’s IPC Library contains practice-focused tools and resources to help with implementation and evaluation of IPC practices. These tools include audit forms, evaluation materials, checklists, and templates. Most of the resources were developed for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). There are a few COVID-19 examples also included that may be useful in other contexts. Resources are intended for use in general healthcare facilities and long-term care facilities (LTCFs).
Title | Resource Type | Description |
Infection Control Transfer Form | Form | This one page form developed by the Alameda County Public Health Department is intended for continuum of care once admitted into a new facility for care. *This form was not designed to be used as criteria for admission. |
ICAR Pamphlet | Pamphlet | This informational pamphlet by Public Health Seattle & King County explains the purpose and process for Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) visits. |
Letter Requesting Recruitment of Facility for ICAR | Letter | This sample letter developed by Public Health Seattle & King County can be used to request recruitment of facilities to participate in Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) activities with public health. |
Letter of ICAR Results and Recommendations | Letter | This template letter developed by Public Health Seattle & King County can be used to share the results and recommendations with facilities after an Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) visit. |
Checklist for Preparedness Needs (LTCFs) | Checklist | This preparedness needs checklist created by West Hartford/Bloomfield Health District addresses respiratory infections in long-term care settings. |
Facility Evaluation Form Template | Form | This template form developed by Williamson County and Cities Health District can be used to conduct infection prevention and control site evaluations for facilities. |
TeleICAR Write Up | Letter | This template letter developed by Lake County can be used to share the results and recommendations with facilities after an infection prevention and control assessment or consultation. |
Long-Term Care Infection Prevention & Control Toolkit | Toolkit | This toolkit developed by Hennepin County Public Health aims to support long term care infection prevention and control (IPC) program development and inform IPC risk assessments. This document should be viewed as a starter set of tools rather than a comprehensive list of resources and materials. This toolkit is not intended to be read from beginning to end, but rather as an index of IPC foundational concepts. |
PPE Audit Tool | Evaluation | This tool developed by Telligen, the Medicare Quality Innovation Network Quality Improvement Organization, can be used to conduct observation audits of donning and doffing PPE and track compliance. The tool includes a compliance calculator to get a compliance rate. |
COVID-19 IPC Assessment Tool for LTCF | Evaluation | This evaluation tool by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services can be used to conduct COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Assessments for long term care facilities (LTCFs). |
COVID-19 Staff Screening Tool for Nursing Homes | Screening | This screening tool developed by the Rhode Island Department of Health can be used as a guide for symptoms and quarantine for all staff in nursing homes. |
Hand Hygiene Observations | Evaluation | This evaluation tool developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services can be used for observing hand hygiene in facilities. |
Environmental Rounds Worksheet for IPC in LTCFs | Checklist | This evaluation worksheet developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services can be used to assess environmental IPC compliance in LTCFs. |
Standard Precautions: Observations of PPE Provision | Evaluation | This evaluation tool developed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can be used for observing patient care areas or areas outside of patient rooms. |
CMS LTCF Self-Assessment Tool | Evaluation | This 2019 Nursing Home Infection Control Worksheet (ICWS) is a collaborative effort by CMS and CDC and meant to be used by facilities as a self-assessment tool. It comprises both regulatory requirements and best practices in infection prevention and control. A facility that uses this ICWS will identify gaps in practice and have a “roadmap” that can lead to an improved infection prevention and control program. |
Hand Hygiene Competency | Evaluation | This evaluation assessment developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services addresses hand washing, alcohol-based hand rub, and donning/doffing PPE. |
Hand Hygiene Observer Training Test | Evaluation | This 20-question assessment developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services can be used to evaluate hand hygiene observer knowledge. |
PPE Competency Validation | Evaluation | This evaluation assessment by The Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology (SPICE) addresses standard precautions and transmission based precautions for donning and doffing PPE. |
This section of NACCHO's IPC Library includes trainings developed and utilized by LHDs to support the capacity of LHD staff to engage in IPC activities. Topics in this category range from introductory information on facility types and IPC terminology, cleaning and disinfection, isolation and quarantine, personal protective equipment (PPE) and include more advanced content on how to conduct infection control assessments (including ICARs) in various settings. These trainings can be used by both LHD staff and their facility partners. Tools can be sorted by pathogen, keyword, and resource type.
Title | Keyword | Resource Type | Description |
PPE Use and Reuse Presentation | Personal protective equipment (PPE) | Presentation | This 15-slide presentation on PPE use and reuse prevention developed by Williamson County EMS in Texas addresses PPE donning, doffing, disposal, and more. |
Isolation and Quarantine Presentation | Isolation & Quarantine | Presentation | This 9-slide isolation and quarantine presentation developed by Williamson County EMS in Texas addresses isolation and quarantine guidelines. |
Steps in ICAR Training | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Training plan | This ICAR training guide document developed by Public Health Seattle & King County addresses the ICAR training steps to familiarize a new reviewer with the ICAR process. |
ICAR Training Program and Competency | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Training plan | This ICAR training program and competency informational document developed by Public Health Seattle & King County explains the ICAR program and includes an ICAR competency checklist. |
Definitions of Residential Care Facilities | Residential care facilities | Glossary | This glossary developed by Ingham County Health Department defines the different types of residential care facilities. |
Infection Control Guidelines - Hierarchy of Controls | General IPC guidance | Educational reference | This infection control guideline developed by Ingham County Health Department explains the IPC hierarchy of controls. |
IPC Training Plan | General IPC guidance | Training Plan | This IPC training plan developed by Polk County Department of Health was adapted from the Healthcare Acquired Infection (HAI) training plan used by HAI team members within the Florida Department of Health (FDOH). |
IPC Training Plan | General IPC guidance | Training Plan | This IPC training plan developed by Richmond and Henrico Health Districts provides an example of a training plan for long term care and congregate care response teams. |
IPC Training Plan | General IPC guidance | Training Plan | This training plan developed by San Juan Basin Public Health provides an example training plan for a newly hired infection prevention nurse. |
Dialysis ICAR Tool Review | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Presentation | This 78-slide presentation by Health Quality Innovators for Prince George’s County Health Department to prepare their team to conduct infection prevention assessments and reviews the ICAR tools specific to dialysis centers. |
Introduction to ICARs | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Presentation | This 23-slide presentation developed by Healthy Quality Innovators and submitted by the Prince George’s County Health Department outlines an Introduction to ICARs presented to their team to prepare to conduct infection prevention assessments. |
LTCF ICAR Tool Review | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Presentation | This 102-slide presentation was developed by Health Quality Innovators and submitted by Prince George’s County Health Department to prepare their team to conduct infection prevention assessments and reviews the training for ICAR tools specific to LTCFs. |
Educational Tool for Cleaning and Disinfection | Cleaning & Disinfection | Educational reference | This informational tool developed by West Hartford/Bloomfield Health District addresses cleaning versus disinfection and the use of detergents or soaps versus disinfectants. |
Educational Tool for Standard and Isolation Precautions | Isolation & Quarantine | Educational reference | This informational and assessment tool developed by West Hartford/Bloomfield Health District addresses standard and isolation precautions and when to use specific precautions based on the type (i.e. contact, droplet, or airborne). |
Educational Tool for Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette | Respiratory Hygiene | Educational reference | This informational and assessment tool developed by West Hartford/Bloomfield Health District addresses respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette regarding IPC. |
Hand Hygiene Educational Tool Post Questionnaire | Hand Hygiene | Evaluation | This questionnaire developed by West Hartford/Bloomfield Health District covers overall knowledge on hand hygiene after educational intervention. |
Respirator Donning and Doffing Instructions | Personal protective equipment (PPE) | Educational reference | This respirator training guide developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services addresses how to don and doff respirator protection. |
Training Plan: Infection Prevention Orientation | General IPC guidance | Training plan | This training plan developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services provides guidance for LTCFs on various topics from surveillance, IPC practices, antimicrobial stewardship, and more. |
SNF Training Plan | General IPC guidance | Training Plan | This training plan schedule developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services provides an overview of IPC topics for SNFs. |
IPC Questions for Evaluating Education Session | General IPC guidance | Evaluation | This questionnaire developed by Fort Bend County Health & Human Services in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and APIC provides an overview of varying IPC questions and answers (question bank) to create pre- and post- test assessments tailored to the evaluation efforts of the infection prevention education sessions you are performing. |
IPC Background Knowledge Development for Long-Term Care Facilities | General IPC guidance | Educational reference | This informational resource developed by APIC Consulting Services, Inc. is a compilation of various resources on topics related to IPC background knowledge development specific to LTCFs. |
This section of NACCHO’s IPC Library includes resources developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, led many LHDs to rapidly expand and transition their role and engagement in IPC activities within various settings. Due to the large number of resources available, this section is further divided into three sub-categories: outbreak investigation and management, general infection prevention and control, and other (including health equity, visitation, vaccination).
Title | Keyword | Facility Setting | Description |
LTCF Outbreak Standard Operating Procedures Manual | Outbreak investigation guidance | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | This 16-page manual by Florida Department of Health - Polk County indicates the process of LHD staff responding to an outbreak of COVID-19 at a LTCF or other congregate care setting. |
Workplace Investigation Intake Form | Template - Workplace intake form | Workplace | This form by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses suspected and confirmed COVID-19 outbreaks through a workplace intake summary form. |
Outbreak Investigation Mentoring & Shadowing Guide | Outbreak investigation guidance | Unspecified | This guidance by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses how outbreak investigators respond to COVID-19 outbreaks in special settings that require advanced didactic, practical, and clinical training related to COVID-19, outbreak investigations, and setting specific guidance. Training requires a thorough grounding in written guidance and resource materials. But even more critical for gaining the necessary competencies to perform effective outbreak investigation, novice investigators must receive practical training and gain applied experience by shadowing more expert investigators in all the steps of outbreak investigation. This guide is intended to lay out expectations for peer shadowing, mentoring, and coaching. |
Exposure Template Letter | Template - Exposure notification | Unspecified | This template by Alameda County Public Health Department is a sample letter that addresses how to inform a resident, staff member, volunteer, or visitor of a COVID-19 exposure. It includes brief instructions for quarantine, symptom monitoring, and links to more detailed information. It is not required. If you are already using a letter that works well, no need to change. Please just review the content and incorporate information that you find useful into your own template. It is meant to be a helpful communication tool. |
Q&A: Testing at Skilled Nursing Facilities | Testing | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) | This testing guidance questionnaire by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses questions for recommendations for testing for staff and residents at Skilled Nursing Facilities. |
Confidential Morbidity Report | Template - Confidential morbidity report | General healthcare facility | This report by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses a confidential morbidity report for LTCF, SNF, RCFE for facility staff to send to LHDs. |
Covid-Influenza-like Illness (C-ILI) Outbreak Packet | Outbreak investigation checklist | General healthcare facility | This checklist by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses guidance through an outbreak packet including, outbreak summary form, IC transfer form, COVID-19/flu handout, flu fact sheet, and handwashing handout. |
Guidance on Discontinuation of Transmission-Based Precautions for Skilled Nursing Facilities | Outbreak investigation guidance | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) | This memo by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses how to implement a “time and symptom-based strategy” for deciding when to stop using transmission-based precautions. They do not recommend a test-based strategy in most situations. |
COVID-19 Line List Instructions | Outbreak investigation guidance | General healthcare facility | This instructional line list by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses the process of creating a COVID-19 line list Epi curve. |
Suspected/Confirmed COVID-19 Outbreak in HCF (Intake Summary) | Template - Healthcare intake form | General healthcare facility | This form by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses intake summaries for COVID-19 outbreaks in healthcare facilities. |
COVID-19 Outbreak Management Checklist for Workplace Staff | Outbreak investigation checklist | Workplace | This 12-page checklist by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses how workplace staff follow-up after being contacted by LHD staff following an outbreak of COVID-19. |
COVID-19 Special Settings Outbreak Investigation Team Case Reports | Outbreak investigation guidance | General healthcare facility | This report by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses and outlines protocols for Special Settings Outbreak Team (SSOIT) members to effectively communicate their verbal reports on active outbreak caseloads to Team Leads. |
COVID-19 and Influenza Line List Template | Outbreak Investigation | General healthcare facility | This Excel template by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses COVID-19 or influenza outbreak management. |
COVID-19 Line List Template | Outbreak Investigation | General healthcare facility | This Excel template by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses COVID-19 outbreak management. |
COVID-19 Cluster Management Presentation | Outbreak investigation guidance | General healthcare facility | This 17-slide presentation by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses guidance for LHD staff to navigate outbreak management at LCTFs and behavioral health facilities. |
COVID-19: Information Triage Team Toolkit | Outbreak investigation guidance | General healthcare facility | This 19-page toolkit by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses and outlines the role of a COVID-19 dispatcher. |
LTCF COVID-19 and Influenza Toolkit | Outbreak investigation guidance | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | This 8-page document by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses recommendations for facility staff during an outbreak of an acute respiratory illness. |
Employee Positive COVID-19 Reporting Form | Outbreak Investigation | General healthcare facility | This form by Ingham County Health Department is for facilities to complete when there is a positive case of COVID-19 among employees. |
COVID-19 Death Reporting Form | Template - Mortality report | General healthcare facility | This form by Ingham County Health Department is for facilities to complete when a resident dies from COVID-19. |
Resident Positive COVID-19 Reporting Form | Template - Positive case report | General healthcare facility | This form by Ingham County Health Department is for facilities to complete when there is a positive case of COVID-19 among residents. |
COVID-19 Status of Facility | Testing | General healthcare facility | This flyer by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for facilities is a notice of a positive COVID-19 test for an employee or resident of the facility, and must be posted for 14-days after test result. |
COVID-19 Testing Handbook for Assisted Living Facilities | Testing | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | This handbook by Public Health Seattle & King County for assisted living facilities addresses COVID-19 testing. |
COVID-19 Investigation Management Checklist for LTCF | Outbreak investigation checklist | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | This checklist by Public Health Seattle & King County addresses how to manage COVID-19 investigations in LTCFs. |
Title | Keyword | Facility Setting | Description |
Sample Survey Template for Residential Care | Template - Facility survey | General healthcare facility | This excel template by Ingham County Health Department is used to survey residential care facilities (in particular, smaller facilities) regarding their infection control measures. |
Survey Questions for Residential Care | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | General healthcare facility | This survey created by Ingham County Health Department addresses current case status and current IPC procedures at facilities. This questionnaire for residential care facilities is meant to be used in conjunction with the Sample Survey Template for Residential Care Facilities. |
Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Tool (ACPHD Revised-ICAR) | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | This revised assessment tool for Infection Control Assessment Response (ICAR) adapted by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses how Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) prepare for COVID-19 and can be used to identify gaps in LTCF response to an active COVID-19 outbreak. |
COVID-19 Line List Epi Curve | Template - Epi curve | General healthcare facility | This Excel template by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses how to create a COVID-19 line list Epi curve. |
On-Site Visit IPC Guide | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) | This training guidance by Alameda County Public Health Department addresses facility visit management for LHD staff to ask facility staff. |
Fever and Symptom Tracker | Template - Symptom tracker | General healthcare facility | This one-page template by Madison & Dane County addresses through a tracker how to monitor fever and symptoms. |
Disinfection Protocol Point Of Care Testing | Cleaning & Disinfection | General healthcare facility | This guide by Ingham County Health Department addresses the steps and tips for facility staff when disinfecting surfaces following point of care COVID-19 test. |
N95 Respirators and Respiratory Protection Program | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | General healthcare facility | This glossary by Ingham County Health Department addresses general information about respirators, including how to use them and their limitations. |
COVID-19 ICAR Tool Review | Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) | General healthcare facility | This 115-slide presentation by Health Quality Innovators submitted by Prince George’s County Health Department to prepare their team to conduct infection prevention assessments includes pertinent questions regarding COVID-19 to assess in facilities. |
Training/Education Resources for Residential Care | Training | General healthcare facility | This guidance by Ingham County Health Department addresses general information explaining the importance of infection control education for staff in residential care facilities. In addition, this resource provides links to external resources, highlights hand hygiene, PPE use, and documentation of training and education of staff. |
Topic | Resource | Facility | Description |
Health equity | Embedding Racial Equity in COVID-19 Response and Recovery | Unspecified | This one-page guide by Madison & Dane County addresses questions to consider for those that are a part of the response to COVID-19 related to racial equity and systems of power. |
Confidentiality | COVID-19 Guidance on Confidentiality Rules | Unspecified | This guidance on confidentiality by Alameda County Public Health Department's Special Settings Outbreak Team (SSOIT) investigates outbreaks in a wide variety of high-risk settings. Since SSOIT identifies outbreaks using both passive and active surveillance strategies, investigators frequently encounter situations in which a facility manager or other point-of-contact is unaware of a COVID-19 case. In those situations, outbreak investigators (OIs) may be required to reveal the identity of cases associated with a suspected or confirmed outbreak. OIs should follow all federal, state, and County requirements that relate to protected health information (PHI) while upholding ACPHD’s mandate and responsibility to protect the public from serious threats. For use by outbreak investigators. |
Visitation | Visitor Log | General healthcare facility | This visitation log created by Ingham County Health Department is for residential care facilities to track visitors and ensure they adhere to visitation guidelines. |
Visitation | Visitor Screening Tool | General healthcare facility | This visitor screening tool was created by Ingham County Health Department for residential care facilities to use in conjunction with other tools and guidance provided by Ingham County. This tool covers symptoms and exposures for visitors to facilities. |
Vaccination | Priority Population Estimates Planning for SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination | General healthcare facility | This 30-page document by Marlon Haygood, Austin Public Health (Emergency Preparedness) for Travis County describes vaccination planning on a mass scale for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination efforts. It describes methodology, population needs, facility considerations, workforce considerations, population data, and CDC guidance. |
Vaccination | Workflow SARS CoV-2 Reinfection After 90 Days | General healthcare facility | This 2-page guidance workflow by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses reinfection cases of COVID-19. |
Vaccination | Workflow SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Breakthrough | General healthcare facility | This 3-page guidance workflow by Clark County Public Health, Washington addresses breakthrough cases of COVID-19 at facilities. |
Template - Training tracker | Documentation of Training Tracker | General healthcare facility | This training document by Ingham County Health Department is used to track the training of staff at facilities. The tracker is not specific to any particular kind of training. |
This section of NACCHO’s IPC Library includes resources to combat antibiotic or antimicrobial resistance (AR). AR occurs when pathogens change over time and no longer respond to the treatment of drugs, placing individuals at increased risk of disease spread, severe illness, and death. This section contains resources specifically designed for education and awareness of antibiotic stewardship, environmental considerations, and healthcare guidance to prevent the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
Title | Pathogen | Facility Setting | Resource Type | Description |
Environmental Services MDRO one pager and checklist | Multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) | General healthcare facility | Guidance, checklist | This educational one pager and checklist by Florida Department of Health - Orange County addresses MDROs for environmental services managers to be able to make their policies and plans, to streamline what they are teaching, and help the cleaning process go in the proper order. This is meant to be used in conjunction with other materials developed as part of a containment toolkit. |
Antibiotic stewardship for asymptomatic bacteriuria pilot project at a long-term care facility | Asymptomatic bacteriuria | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | Toolkit | This project overview conducted by Florida Department of Health - Orange County (DOH-Orange) discusses their engagement in a pilot project focused on asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in December 2014. A long-term care facility (LTCF) located in Orange County, Florida, DOH-Orange, and the Florida Department of Health’s Health Care-Associated Infection (HAI) Prevention Program partnered up to implement a pilot project to reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics for ASB via the implementation of evidence-based practices of antibiotic stewardship. DOH-Orange engaged the LTCF to improve the understanding of their needs in screening and treatment for ASB. Over the course of one year, the objectives of the pilot project included a retrospective analysis of urine cultures resulting in antibiotic prescription, collaborating with and supporting the needs of the LTCF to reduce antibiotic use with ASB, and improving the public’s understanding of appropriate antimicrobial use. The toolkit summarizes this approach and provides templates and examples for similar projects in other jurisdictions. |
DuPage HAI/AR Provider Education | Non-specific | General healthcare facility | Toolkit | These educational materials were developed by the DuPage County Health Department to educate providers about healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. |
MDRO Discharge Packet for Long Term Care Facilities | Multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | Discharge packet | This discharge packet by Florida Department of Health - Orange County is for patients with an MDRO leaving a nursing facility. It includes contact precaution signage, a letter from the Epidemiology Program manager explaining the outbreak, enhanced standard precautions guidance, details about where a specimen was collected and why, and health department staff contact information. This resource is meant to be used in conjunction with other materials developed as part of a containment toolkit. |
Introduction to Antimicrobial Stewardship for Long-Term Care Facilities | Non-specific | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | Presentation | This presentation was developed by DuPage County Health Department to introduce antimicrobial stewardship and the core elements of antimicrobial stewardship to long-term care facilities. |
Antibiotic Stewardship Commitment Posters | Non-specific | General healthcare facility | Poster | These posters were created by Philadelphia Department of Public Health and includes three versions on an antibiotic stewardship commitment poster for healthcare providers to display at their practices. These posters aim to increase provider commitment and raise patient awareness. |
Press Release Templates for Antibiotic Stewardship | Non-specific | General healthcare facility | Guidance | This press release template developed by Eau Claire City-County Health Department is a guide for local healthcare experts to remind us that antibiotics aren’t always the answer and how to get smart about antibiotics week. |
Antimicrobial Resistance/Antibiotic Use Assessment Tool for Long-Term Care Facilities | Non-specific | Long-term care facility (LTCF) | Evaluation assessment; Rubric | This assessment tool by DC Department of Health utilizes questions from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) tool to assess current HAI prevention practices, policies and procedures in your hospital. The goal of this assessment is to provide hospitals with a comprehensive review of broad infection prevention practices and to measure effectiveness of interventions and education provided by the National Project Team. This tool includes a pre-assessment, assessment, and a scoring rubric. |
Antibiotic Awareness Graphic | Non-specific | General healthcare facility | Poster | This poster by the Philadelphia Department of Health was created to raise awareness about the appropriate use of antibiotics. It was specifically designed to be displayed during antibiotic awareness week on digital displays around the city and several public and private institutions. |
Partnership with CDC’s Project Firstline
NACCHO is proud to be a partner of CDC’s Project Firstline, a comprehensive infection control program designed to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases in U.S. healthcare settings. Project Firstline is committed to preparing the public health workforce and frontline healthcare workers to protect themselves, their patients, and their communities from infectious disease threats. Check out the training and resources below, available through Project Firstline, including videos, training facilitator guides, and multimedia resources!