Join CDC’s next PHEP Connects webinar, “PHEP Connects Legal Preparedness Series, Part I: the Past, Present, and Future of Legal and Administrative Preparedness,” on Wednesday, February 8 at 1:00 PM ET. Presenters will provide an overview of legal and administrative preparedness principles for public health emergencies and explore the tools and training resources currently available to health departments. Speakers will also discuss how recent emergencies and developments in the legal landscape may change how preparedness planners address these challenges in future responses.
In preparation for an administrative preparedness town hall session at the 2023 Preparedness Summit, the presenters will invite webinar participants to share innovative strategies they have deployed to overcome legal and administrative barriers to response over the past three years.
Participant Information
Dial-In: (669) 254-5252 (Audio only)
Meeting ID: 161 241 1865
Passcode: 569595
Web Access Link: