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CDC Launches Redesigned Foodborne Outbreak Tool
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) redesigned an online tool that makes it easier to search data on foodborne...
Oct 30, 2015 | Katie Regan
Tips to Practice Food Safety this Halloween
Vampires, zombies, and superheros may not have much in common on the surface, but chances are they’ll all be snacking on...
Oct 30, 2015 | Katie Regan
CDC Releases Two New ‘Tracking in Action’ Videos
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Environmental Health Tracking Network has released two new...
Oct 28, 2015 | Katie Regan
Free Groundwater Resources for Environmental Health Professionals
Many parts of the United States depend on groundwater as a primary source of water. A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Oct 27, 2015 | Katie Regan
Take Action During National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
October 25-31 is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, an awareness week dedicated to ensuring that homes are safe, families take...
Oct 27, 2015 | Katie Regan
Protecting Children from Environmental Threats During Children’s Health Month
We face environmental health threats every day in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the homes in which we live. And though we...
Oct 23, 2015 | Katie Regan
FDA Releases New Food-Related Emergency Exercises
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added two new food-related emergency exercises to its Food Related Emergency Exercise...
Oct 13, 2015 | Katie Regan
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Launches Improved Info by...
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has launched...
Oct 13, 2015 | Katie Regan
Celebrate World Environmental Health Day Sept. 26
Ensuring the public’s health is a multifaceted challenge requiring expertise in more than just the health threats that come from...
Sep 24, 2015 | Katie Regan
CDC Launches Redesigned Foodborne Outbreak ToolThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) redesigned an online tool that makes it easier to search data on foodborne disease outbreaks. CDC estimates that 1 in 6 Americans suffer foodborne illness every year. The Foodborne Outbreak Online Database Tool (FOOD Tool) includes interactive features such as maps, graphs, and tables. Users can search […] Oct 30, 2015 | Katie Regan |
Tips to Practice Food Safety this HalloweenVampires, zombies, and superheros may not have much in common on the surface, but chances are they’ll all be snacking on something sweet and sugary come Halloween. To help ensure they snack safely this October 31, Foodsafety.gov has published a number of tips and strategies for minding food safety while enjoying the holiday. Local health departments can use this resource to […] Oct 30, 2015 | Katie Regan |
CDC Releases Two New ‘Tracking in Action’ VideosThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Environmental Health Tracking Network has released two new “Tracking in Action” videos. These videos showcase the work Tracking Network states are doing to help advance public health. “Tracking Blue-Green Algae in Vermont”: Learn how the Vermont Environmental Public Health Tracking Program is tracking... Oct 28, 2015 | Katie Regan |
Free Groundwater Resources for Environmental Health ProfessionalsMany parts of the United States depend on groundwater as a primary source of water. A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage includes resources for environmental health practitioners on groundwater protection. Examples of resources include a drinking water advisory toolkit; an emergency water supply planning guide for hospitals and healthcare facilities; and the EnvPHPS […] Oct 27, 2015 | Katie Regan |
Take Action During National Lead Poisoning Prevention WeekOctober 25-31 is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, an awareness week dedicated to ensuring that homes are safe, families take precautions, and communities are educated about the dangers of lead. Children in particular are susceptible to lead poisoning and this year’s theme is “Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future.” Childhood lead poisoning is considered the most... Oct 27, 2015 | Katie Regan |
Protecting Children from Environmental Threats During Children’s Health MonthWe face environmental health threats every day in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the homes in which we live. And though we are all susceptible, the level of risk experienced is not equal: For children, these threats pose an even greater risk to health than they do for adults. Children are a […] Oct 23, 2015 | Katie Regan |
FDA Releases New Food-Related Emergency ExercisesThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added two new food-related emergency exercises to its Food Related Emergency Exercise Bundle (FREE-B). The new exercises, “Wat’er You Thinking” and “Foul Fodder,” involve the possible contamination of a local water supply and the apparent tampering of animal feed. FREE-B is a compilation of scenarios based on both... Oct 13, 2015 | Katie Regan |
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Launches Improved Info by Location ToolThe National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has launched an improved version of its Info by Location tool. The new update allows users to customize results by selecting specific topics of interest, such as access to parks, extreme heat, and proximity to highways. Oct 13, 2015 | Katie Regan |
Celebrate World Environmental Health Day Sept. 26Ensuring the public’s health is a multifaceted challenge requiring expertise in more than just the health threats that come from within. As the United States continues to experience increasing numbers of severe weather events and national foodborne illness outbreaks, the nation’s environmental health is pushed front and center. Addressing environmental health issues such as climate... Sep 24, 2015 | Katie Regan |

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