As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, LHDs are leveraging some of the oldest public health tools—contact tracing, notification, and quarantine—to identify potential cases and rapidly deploy infection prevention and control measures.
This hub highlights the most useful resources from governmental public health, academia, think tanks, and nonprofits to support LHDs in designing, establishing, scaling up, and strengthening contact tracing programs.
Context & Rationale
This page includes resources that characterize the context and rationale for contact tracing in response to the pandemic, including white papers ..
Context & Rationale
Program Planning
This page includes resources to inform program planning for contact tracing, including tools to help LHDs assess their workforce needs, develop ..
Program Planning
Training & Management
This page includes resources for training and management of the contract tracing workforce, including sample training plans; principles and best ..
Training & Management
Tools & Technology
This page includes tools for contact tracers and program managers, including checklists, workflows, and digital technologies, as well as resources ..
Tools & Technology
Planning, Financial, & Human Resources
This page includes resources to support LHDs in scaling up their contact tracing workforce, including links to potential paid and volunteer ..
Planning, Financial, & Human Resources
This page includes resources to support contact tracing communications, including communication guidelines and best practices and multilingual ..
Latest News From NACCHO on Contact Tracing
Press ReleaseContact TracingCOVID-19
Joint Statement: Public Health Agencies Transitioning...
NACCHO joins groups in releasing joint statement supporting public health...
Jan 25, 2022
Joint Statement: Public Health Agencies Transitioning...
If you have any questions, comments regarding the COVID-19 contact tracing hub, or know of additional resources that we should include, please submit the form below and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
Contact Tracing Tools for COVID-19 Response was developed in collaboration with our partner, ZS Associates.