Latest Research
Please find below a list of our most recent research projects. For more information on these projects, email [email protected].
- NACCHO’s 2019 Profile Study: Changes in Local Health Department Workforce and Finance Capacity Since 2008: NACCHO has conducted the National Profile of Local Health Departments (Profile) study since 1989 to develop a comprehensive and accurate understanding of local health department infrastructure and practice. Among these, workforce and financial capacity are two critical infrastructure components that enable local health departments to protect the health and well-being of the populations they serve. The purpose of this research brief is to present updated data on workforce and financial trends in local health departments over the past decade.
- 2018 Preparedness Profile: The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) conducted the Preparedness Profile assessment to provide an evidentiary foundation for future public health preparedness initiatives. This assessment gathers information about preparedness trends and emerging issues at local health departments (LHDs) to inform priorities at the local, state, and national levels.
- 2018 Forces of Change: NACCHO’s 2018 Forces of Change survey assesses the impact of a variety of trends affecting change in local health departments (LHDs).
- 2017 Network Profile of the Medical Reserve Corps: The 2017 Network Profile of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) report presents the newest data on Medical Reserve Corps unit funding, partnerships, composition, activities, and capabilities.
- 2017 NACCHO Assessment of Local Health Department Immunization Programs – The assessment results showcase the strengths and best practices of high-performing immunization programs and highlight opportunities to enhance and leverage federal, state, and local resources to improve local immunization program efforts.
- Certification in Infection Control Assessment: Local Impact and Strategies for Success – To help local health departments build capacity for HAI prevention and response, NACCHO funded nearly 50 LHDs to purchase study materials and cover exam fees for the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.’s (CBIC®) Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC®) exam. This assessment presents findings from participant feedback on the preparation process, lessons learned, and the impact of certification on the health department’s work.
- HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Sentinel Network Queries – On a quarterly basis, NACCHO queries local health departments about efforts, needs, challenges, and successes related to their HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis activities. NACCHO shares query findings with stakeholders and uses them as a critical information source for project planning to most effectively support local health department practice and advocate on behalf of local health departments for adequate resources and appropriate public health legislation.
- PrEP Implementation by Local Health Departments: Local health departments play a critical role in the implementation of PrEP for HIV prevention. NACCHO surveyed local health departments across the country to assess awareness of and interest in supporting PrEP implementation; what roles they were taking, or believed they should take, in supporting PrEP; and what resources would be required to do so. Findings indicated that additional resources and implementation research is needed to effectively support PrEP scale-up by local health departments, and that efforts must also be undertaken to increase PrEP awareness, knowledge, and implementation capacity among local health departments.
- 2016 Public Health Emergency Preparedness Landscape Assessment: The 2016 Preparedness Profile Assessment presents the newest data on preparedness infrastructure, partnerships, trends and emergency issues at local health departments.